Trending: My HUSBAND Want's To Ki*ll Me and My Record Label Manager, Gospel Artiste Cries Out On Social Media - EUNICE MAC


 Trending: My HUSBAND Want's To Ki*ll Me and My Record Label Manager, Gospel Artiste Cries Out On Social Media - EUNICE MAC

Nigerian based gospel Artiste, Songwriter, Recording / Performing Artiste, and signee under the "Richbot Conceptz Record Label" with the name " EUNICE MAC" widely and popularly known for her most trending single "MY LIFE'. (DOWNLOAD HERE) has made a cry out to all social media fans, followers, and family to come to her aid as she has been through hell in the hands of her husband and several life threats on her Record Label Boss...

Eunice Mac's Husband who's names are DAGOGO ALEXANDER MACPEPPLE, is said to be a Medical Inclined Personnel and offers health services at the SAUDI ARABIA"

Eunice Mac Wrote On Facebook & spoke.

My name is Eunice Mac, a Gospel Artiste, a pastor and a Prophetess. I was signed into the Richbot Conceptz Global company on the 15th of July 2021. I am presently married to Dr. Dagogo Macpepple and we have 4 children.

Since after I had my first issue, we have had the usual marital ups and downs peculiar to some African homes where the husband believes he has the right to cheat (commit adultery) with reckless abandon. I became born again in the year 2004, and after 5 years was called into ministry. From that time I started begging my husband to allow me carry out my calling to do God's work, but he vehemently refused. 

Not until I lost my job in the year 2011. At this point I was able to open my ministry, which I ran for 11 months and some days. 

However due to the persistent persecution from my husband, I was finally forced to close down the church because he started accusing me of having sexual affairs with my pastors and members. My husband said if I did not close the church down, he will divorce me. I foolishly obeyed him and closed down my church.

From the year 2015 till date, I and my husband have not been living together.  He presently works in Saudi Arabia and only visits Nigeria once every year and stays for 3 to 4 weeks. For the past 5 years he never allowed me to visit him at his place of work under the guise of several excuses. Our children are all in school and I have been home alone for all these years.

 I never knew that he was already harbouring plans to divorce me. Oblivious to me I saw a good opportunity to resume my ministry again since he has refused me to travel to see him or relocate to live with him in Saudi Arabia. So I resumed my ministry, as a gospel artiste and also preaching once a week on my space in social media on a program I tagged "BALSAM". I never knew that I just gave him a good excuse to give me a divorce a second time.

He reminded me that he believes I know he never likes me to do any form of preaching? That I should stop my work completely with the Richbot company or else he will divorce me. I told him to do his worst, that this time around I will not obey him. This was when he started accusing me again of having sexual affairs with my security man, my farm workers, my colleagues,  my manager, Richard Obot and even my students. I want it to be noted that for the past 7 years, since my husband started living and working abroad, he has never had sex with me. Even before these last seven years, he hardly did because he has strings of girlfriends which he never apologised about, up till date.

At this juncture, my husband now asked me to change the names of our properties from their original titles to " Mr. & Mrs" to which I refused. It should be noted here again that out of the 3 properties we own, 2 are mine and 1 his. Infact the duplex in which we live was single-handedly bought and built by me when I was working for Shell.

 When my husband saw that I didn't change the titles of the properties, he now invited me to visit him in Saudi Arabia. However, as one who listens to the voice of the Spirit, I was not led to travel and I told him so. The first question he asked me was "I hope you don't think I will harm you in any way?" From this point on I began to feel threathened by him.

 He didnt stop here, my husband in his bid to harm me went further to get visas for I and my 3 children in Nigeria to the UK under the pretence of attending our 1st daughter's graduation. A graduation that we had initially agreed months ago that I attend ALONE due to funds. I was still in suspicion of his motive and even called my younger brother to tell him about my fears. 

I believed that since he couldn't get his way with me concerning stopping my ministry again and changing the properties titles, he could harm me physically to achieve his goals. When we did not travel because our visas were released to us late, my husband then sneaked into Nigeria without my knowledge. Unfortunately for him, I was again quickened by the Spirit to run to safety. 
Immediately he returned back to Saudi Arabia, he now asked me that won't I go on my own to visit our daughter in the UK, that he will pay for my flight. I agreed since I believed that he was far away in Saudi. 

When I arrived the UK, I went straight to Bedford where my daughter lived. However I was shocked when she said I couldn't stay with her under the pretence that she was swatting with friends. I was so annoyed that i left back to london the next day. After a few days I took ill and was taken to Kings College Hospital, Denmark hill, london. On getting there, I underwent an emergency laparotomy surgery (a major surgery).

 I was very fine and stabilized after the surgery and had even started taking soft foods on the second day after the surgery. But from the moment my husband called the hospital, everything changed. My husband told them that I was mad. Immediately they changed my ward to a psychiatric ward and stopped any form of feeding except water. 

The nurses stopped attending to me as they should. My dressing was cleaned once in two days, so I was oozing pus from the opening of the incision and was smelling like a butchered animal. They also stopped giving me regular medication and now insisted on feeding me through my neck, which I refused because they told me initially that this kind of feeding is given to people who can't eat on their own. I had all my 4 children through operation (caesarean section); I now had a 5th major surgery (hysterectomy) in 2018. 

So this was my 6th major surgery in my life, and I know the surgery recovery process. Once you pass stool (shit) or pass gas (mess), you can eat food. 

But this hospital staff refused me food for up to 10 days. I had no choice but to begin calling out for help. Since no one including my husband and his family came to my aid, I had to self-discharge myself and ran away from the hospital. I went straight to Heathrow international airport to come back home to Nigeria. I believed that since my husband have told the hospital that I didn't have capacity (insane), any other hospital I will go to in the UK will also listen to him. In summary I finally returned to Nigeria where my husband got me arrested even in my sick condition.
 He keeps telling people everyday that I am mad, hypnotized or under a spell by Richard Obot. My case is with the human rights department in the state CID Rivers State.
There are still a whole lot more details to put down. But let this suffice for now. 

Listen To Richbot Conceptz Record Label Boss BELOW

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