PAY MUSIC, BEFORE IT PAY'S YOU | @houzofgeneral


PAY MUSIC, BEFORE IT PAY'S YOU | @houzofgeneral

These are but just mere earnings from songs in the real sense or digital distribution. All of these, listed above remain the aim Of every artist, musician, songwriter and ultimately entertainer.

Firstly, it is our pleasure to share this inspiring piece with you, and we trust it to be a worthwhile read.

Music has a long-standing definition as an organized sound, that is, sounds pleasing to the ears. This points to the fact that any unorganized sound that is not pleasant to the ear should never be called music.

Every artist and a musically inclined person should be earning profitably from the craft of music, but before it does, have it registered on your mind that "if music must pay you, you must pay music first"

Most rising artists who are energetically fighting to attain stardom, however, do not regard the strive inherent to attending that feat.

Regardless, some artists are most likely to attain success and fame with a twinkle of an eye, some call it "Grace".
But trust me, music demands a whole lot from every artiste who's passionate and ready to scale through the hurdles to attain a height of success.

How Do You Pay Music?

1.Be intentional about succeeding and avoid bad energy.

2.Be ready to serve.

3.Define your sound, and leave a signature in the minds of everyone who hears your song.

4.Explore various ways to help boost your visibility.

5.Learn promotional strategies and know which one works for you.

6.Create an income source to find your music career.

7.Be prepared to accept trials and errors.

8. Avoid negative opinions about people's success, it's highly detrimental to growth.

9. Never borrow to fund your career as an independent artist.

9. Avoid peer pressure that might mislead you.

10. Be focused and take notes of mistakes you make through your journey.

11. Maintain self-love and value.

12. Music pays a consistent artiste who is ready to work, with less target to record label deals.

What this means is that record labels would only consider an artiste who is intentional,

focused, and industrious. Record labels consider many criteria before signing an artiste, so Ling as the music biz is concerned.

No record label would gladly want to sign an artiste who's got low market value, both creatively, financially, mentally, etc

Fame has no fixed time to manifest, it hits at any time and you decide whether or not to respond to it.

I hope this content is helpful so far, kindly drop a comment below, should it be a question, be rest assured that our content team are always ready to respond to all your questions.

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This Piece was written by "GODHOPE UCHE", and we own the legal copyrights to these literal work...

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