Gospel: Minister Debra - The Beauty Of Your Holiness


 Gospel: Minister Debra - The Beauty Of Your Holiness

 Gospel minister, Minister Debra joins us with this magnificent song titled "The Beauty of Your Holiness".

I'm God's daughter saved by grace. I grew up in church. I joined the choir when I was very young; I was the youngest in my chorus, and I loved to sing.

Even though I grew up in the church, I realized there was something missing in my life; I wanted more, but I didn't know what I wanted more of. Until July 27th, 2002, when I had an encounter with our Lord Jesus, my life changed forever.

I knew I was embarking on a new adventure, but I also knew it wouldn't be easy, and I was more than prepared based on my conversation with the Lord.

I'm a product of God's grace and love, and it's a pleasure to be able to do what I do because who am I that he cares about? I'm thankful to God for his love and for entrusting me with his work.

My existence revolves around singing. I can't function without praise in my tongue or in my heart.

Singing has helped me get through the most difficult times in my life, and I am very grateful to God.

I remember one day I called my mom God bless her soul, I was going through something challenges and I called my mom to seek for some advice but my mom said to me”baby keep singing , don’t you sing anymore?” What my mom was saying to me was that when I sing I connect to my God and there I find solution to my challenges or problems. 

So I encourage everyone to hold on to God and he will never let you go.



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